Monday, June 30, 2008


人的一生是一个 生命过程,事物的发展是一个由低级向高级发展的过程,新的事物代替旧的事物是自然规律而我们人类是无法改变的,人类也需要发展和进化,为了更好的适应社会,人类同样要有一个向高级发展的趋向,新的思想代替旧的思想,更高级的人群代替低能的人群,所以生老病死就完成了人类进化的任务,这也是一个自然选择的必然结果。世界上的一切都是在发展变化中的,所以会有生命的出现、成长、衰老、死亡。一个人应该坦然的面对生与死。活着的意义,更多的应该在于贡献和责任!享受生命的过程。所以人总是要死的。

What is a Man? What is a Woman?

Most will assume that “male” and “female” are non-vague characteristics, and that is true much of the time; yet even biology can become vague and sex isn’t just a matter of what chromosomes you have. Socially, we don’t distinguish male from female based upon the genetic profile because we don’t have access to that. Instead, we take a look at their physical characteristics: do they look stereotypically female or male?

To what degree are we justified in using these markers for distinguishing male from female, though? Are they a reliable basis for social policy and for deciding who can marry whom? This won't be a problem for most couples, but a just social policy must be constructed so that the indeterminate cases are not treated unjustly. Deciding who can marry whom isn't always a simple matter of determining what sorts of internal organs a person has.

Gandhi, King, Ikeda

Gandhi, King, and Ikeda are men who have lived with principle, and who have based their action on non-violent means. The unique idea of having the three figures together as an exhibit is of particular significance because it reminds us that peace and justice exist beyond all human-laid boundaries.

Sunday, June 29, 2008



Yesterday i followed my parents go to USM in
Penang having my sister's registration.I felt very PROUD for her bcuz of her successful & my grandparents cant stop chanting for her...haha,& i ask myself,"Will I going to the same local U wif my sister,Penang USM for my favourate course?...........................ERM,I guess mayb i need sum time to think bout it. LOLX